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"PDOException: could not find driver" inside docker container where PDO modules exist

I want to run php-fpm in a docker container, but get an error message after starting the container:

Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: could not find driver.

I use php7.4 with event engine and a postgres database in a separate container (I use docker-compose to start them all) and are working on ubuntu20.04.

The weird thing is: My collegues installed the same stuff without having this error, so the error cannot come from an incorrect docker file.

What I tried so far:

  • I can connect to the database with psql from the shell.
  • I printed out all modules that are loaded in the container, and they include pdo and pdo_pgsql.

The error refers to this method:

    public function pdoConnection(): PDO
        /** @var PDO $pdo */
        $pdo = $this->makeSingleton(PDO::class, function () {

            return new PDO(

                    // the next line is the line the error message refers to
                    PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true,

                    // This is necessary due to the way pgBouncer handles (or not handles) prepared statements.
                    // See
                    PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => true,

        return $pdo;

I checked pdo.dns, pdo.user and pdo.pwd, they are all correct. I defined DNS via

DNS = "pgsql:host=HOSTNAME port=5432 dbname=DATABASENAME"

The docker file includes

docker-php-ext-install pdo_pgsql


  • It was the DNS string, the quotation marks are wrong. It works with this:

    DNS = pgsql:host=HOSTNAME;port=5432;dbname=DATABASENAME