This may be a duplicate, but I haven't been able to find a solution.
I have a ComboBox that is populated from an xml file. When I select an item in the ComboBox I want to populate a listBox with the "Special" elements from that same xml file.
<ClassID Barbarian="Barbarian">
<Alignment>NG CG NN CN NE CE</Alignment>
<Special>Fast Movement</Special>
<Special>Rage Power</Special>
I can get the listBox to populate with ALL the "Special" elements, but I only want the ones for the specified class name (i.e. Barbarian attribute).
Code to populate listBox with ALL the "Special" elements, regardless of what ComboBox item is selected:
//Gets Specials from xml
public static List<string> GetSpecialsFromXml(string filename, string tagname)
List<string> Specials = new List<string>();
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList specials = doc.GetElementsByTagName(tagname);
foreach(XmlNode special in specials)
return Specials;
//Loads feats into feat list
public void LoadFeats()
List<string> Special = GetSpecialsFromXml(Gamepath, "Special");
LoadFeats is called with the ComboBox SelectedItemChanged event.
I am still a noob when working with xml files.
Edit: TL;DR solution:
Changed public static List<string> GetSpecialsFromXml(string filename, string tagname)
to public List<string> GetSpecialsFromXml(string filename, string tagname)
Added string Combo = ComboBox.Text;
and string strXPath = $"ClassID[{Combo}='{Combo}']/Special"
Replaced XmlNodeList specials = doc.GetElementsByTagName(tagname);
with XmlNodeList specials = doc.SelectNodes( strXPath );
Instead of looking for "tagname", with doc.GetElemnetByTagName, use XPath in a SelectNodes() function call. XPath is to XML what SQL is to a database, and is very powerful.
Use an XPath statement like in a "SelectNodes()" call
string strXPath= "//ClassID[@Barbarian='Barbarian']/Special"
Replace your XmlNodeList specials = doc.GetElementsByTagName(tagname); with this
XmlNodeList specials = doc.SelectNodes( strXPath );
Then iterate away like you're already doing.
Good Luck with your project