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How I can solved this name is not defined

I want to make the program that I made can run i make code like this

def cafe_food(self):
    friedrice_items = tk.Entry(F_FItems)
    friedrice_items.config(width=7, borderwidth=4, relief="sunken", font=("calibri", 10,"bold"),foreground="white", background="#248aa2"), y=1)

def Total_Biil(self):
    friedrice_price = 10
    pizza_price = 20

    if friedrice_items.get() != "":
        friedrice_cost = friedrice_price * int(friedrice_items.get())
        friedrice_cost = 0

    if pizza_items.get() != "":
        friedrice_cost = pizza_price * int(pizza_items.get())
        pizza_cost = 0

    total_bills = friedrice_cost + pizza_cost

if i run this code and..

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\kisah tegar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\tkinter\", line 1885, in __call__
    return self.func(*args)
  File "D:\Code\Python\Project\restaurant_mg\", line 498, in Total_Bill
    if friedrice_items.get() != "":
NameError: name 'friedrice_items' is not defined
[Finished in 6.3s]

this my problem:( how can i get friedrice_items in that function


  • If this piece of code is in a class, try adding self. before you variable names:

    def cafe_food(self):
        self.friedrice_items = tk.Entry(F_FItems)
        self.friedrice_items.config(width=7, borderwidth=4, relief="sunken", font=("calibri", 10,"bold"),foreground="white", background="#248aa2"), y=1)
    def Total_Biil(self):
        self.friedrice_price = 10
        self.pizza_price = 20
        if self.friedrice_items.get() != "":
            self.friedrice_cost = self.friedrice_price * int(self.friedrice_items.get())
            self.friedrice_cost = 0
        if self.pizza_items.get() != "":
            self.friedrice_cost = self.pizza_price * int(self.pizza_items.get())
            self.pizza_cost = 0
        self.total_bills = self.friedrice_cost + self.pizza_cost

    self or whatever you name it, is a global keyword, where in a class, you can access the variable anywhere inside the class.

    If you don't use self you would not be able to access it anywhere, like what happened to you before.