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Why is Podman trying to pull an image that already exists after loading from file?

I am working in an air-gapped environment running Fedora CoreOS which comes packaged with Podman. I have several container images I have been working on transporting into the air-gapped environment. In order to do this I have followed these steps:

  1. I acquired the images on a machine with internet access. Some of the images were pulled into Podman from my Docker registry using podman pull while some were pulled directly from the online repositories using podman pull.
  2. I saved the images to a tar file using (for example) podman save -o my-example-image.tar
  3. I transported the tar files to the air-gapped environment on physical media and loaded them using podman load -i my-example-image.tar

When I check the images using podman images they all appear in the images list. However, if I try to run a container from one of these images, using sudo podman run I get a long error message:

Trying to pull
Get "": dial tcp: lookup on [::1}:53: read udp [::1]:50762 ->
  [::1]:53: read: connection refused
Error: unable to pull Error initializing source docker://my-example-image:latest:
  error pinging docker registry Get "": dial tcp: lookup on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]50762 -> [::1]:53: read: connection refused

I get a similar message for images that were acquired from other repositories like

It seems to me that the error is caused by the machine's inability to establish a connection with a registry, which makes sense to me considering that the environment is air-gapped. But I am not sure why podman is even trying to pull these images when they already exist in the environment as confirmed by podman images

I have tried using various ways of referencing the image within the podman run command including

sudo podman run sudo podman run my-example-image sudo podman run my-example-image:latest

I have tried searching for a solution to this problem to no avail and would very much appreciate any guidance on this.


  • Each user has its own container storage.

    The user root uses the directory /var/lib/containers/

    Normal users use the directory ~/.local/share/containers/

    The command podman load -i my-example-image.tar will use the directory ~/.local/share/containers/

    The command sudo podman run will use the directory /var/lib/containers

    If you would like to share a read-only container storage between users, check out the setting additionalimagestores in the file storage.conf

    additionalimagestores = [ "/var/lib/mycontainers",]
