I have implemented focal loss in Pytorch with using of this paper. And ran into a problem with loss - got nan as loss function value.
This is implementation of focal loss:
def focal_loss(y_real, y_pred, gamma = 2):
y_pred = torch.sigmoid(y_pred)
return -torch.sum((1 - y_pred)**gamma * y_real * torch.log(y_pred) +
y_pred**gamma * (1 - y_real) * torch.log(1 - y_pred))
Train loop and my SegNet are working, I think so, because I have tested them with dice and bce losses.
I think errors occurs in backprop. Why can it be? Maybe my implementation is wrong?
This version is working:
def focal_loss(y_real, y_pred, eps = 1e-8, gamma = 0):
probabilities = torch.clamp(torch.sigmoid(y_pred), min=eps, max=1-eps)
return torch.mean((1 - probabilities)**gamma *
(y_pred - y_real * y_pred + torch.log(1 + torch.exp(-y_pred))))