My goal is to build a programm, that says is a number prime or not. A positive whole number n > 2 is prime if no number between 2 and sqrt(n) divides n.
Here is my code:
import math
def main():
print("Prime number or not")
N = -1
while N<2:
print("Error!Enter numbers greater than two")
N = int(input("Enter the right number:"))
values = list(range(2,round(math.sqrt(N))))
for i in values:
if i%N !=0:
x = print("The number is not prime")
elif i%N ==0:
x = print("The number is NOT prime")
except ValueError:
print("Error!Print correct number")
except NameError:
print("Error!Print the numbers")
But is shows a syntax error in line
elif i%N ==0:
Please, give me some advice how to correct this error and about the code in general. I am new in learning Python, so any help and critic will be good! Thanks.
If you wanted this to be your whole programme, here is my solution:
# Get num
num = input('Input a whole number: ')
# Is num valid
num = int(num)
if num < 1 or num > 1000000000000:
print('Your field cannot be greater than one quantillion or less than one.')
# Is num 2 or 5, if yes, prime.
if num != 2 and num != 5:
# Is the last number of num 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, or 8, if yes, composite.
lastNum = str(num)[-1]
if lastNum == '0' or lastNum == '2' or lastNum == '4' or lastNum == '5' or lastNum == '6' or lastNum == '8':
print('Your number is composite.')
if lastNum == '5':
print(str(num) + ' is divisible by 5.')
print(str(num) + ' is divisible by 2.')
# List multiples of 3 less than 123, call it multiplesOf3.
multiplesOf3 = []
appendMultiple = 0
for i in range(40):
appendMultiple += 3
# Get sum of all numbers in num, name is sumOfNum
sumOfNum = 0
numStr = str(num)
for i in range(len(numStr)):
sumOfNum += int(numStr[i])
# Is sumOfNum in multiplesOf3?
numMultipleOf3 = sumOfNum in multiplesOf3
if numMultipleOf3 == True:
print('Your number is composite.\n' + str(num) + ' is divisible by 3.')
print('Your number is prime.')
print('Your number is prime')
print('Your field needs to be a whole number. Make sure there is no decimal points (i.e. 12.0 will not be accepted).')
But if you wanted this to be just a function, here is my solution (Make sure you put in a parameter, it requires 1 argument; put in your number.)
def isPrime(num):
num = int(num)
if num < 1 or num > 1000000000000:
print('Your field cannot be greater than one quantillion or less than one.')
# Is num 2 or 5, if yes, prime.
if num != 2 and num != 5:
# Is the last number of num 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, or 8, if yes, composite.
lastNum = str(num)[-1]
if lastNum == '0' or lastNum == '2' or lastNum == '4' or lastNum == '5' or lastNum == '6' or lastNum == '8':
print('Your number is composite.')
if lastNum == '5':
print(str(num) + ' is divisible by 5.')
print(str(num) + ' is divisible by 2.')
# List multiples of 3 less than 123, call it multiplesOf3.
multiplesOf3 = []
appendMultiple = 0
for i in range(40):
appendMultiple += 3
# Get sum of all numbers in num, name is sumOfNum
sumOfNum = 0
numStr = str(num)
for i in range(len(numStr)):
sumOfNum += int(numStr[i])
# Is sumOfNum in multiplesOf3?
numMultipleOf3 = sumOfNum in multiplesOf3
if numMultipleOf3 == True:
print('Your number is composite.\n' + str(num) + ' is divisible by 3.')
print('Your number is prime.')
print('Your number is prime')
print('Your field needs to be a whole number. Make sure there is no decimal points (i.e. 12.0 will not be accepted).')
Another way,
def isprime(n):
if min(n//2,n//3,n//5) == 1:
return True
elif min(n%2,n%3,n%5) == 0:
return False
return True
This is SO much shorter!