I have the following scenario, I have two file client and server file which is containerised using docker containers. Client container is residing on a VM using a virtual box (network set using NAT and host-only adapter) and server container is residing on OpenStack VM.
The IP address of the server is and the VM machine IP address is enp0s8:
I am running the docker container client as
docker run --rm -it -p client bash
and running server docker container as
docker run --rm -it -p 5555:5555 server bash
context = zmq.Context()
#Socket to talk to server
socket = context.socket( zmq.REQ )
socket.connect( "tcp://" )
name = "Max"
while True:
message = input( "Message: " )
socket.send_pyobj( {1: [name, message]} )
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)
while True:
#Wait for next request from client
message = socket.recv_pyobj()
print("%s: %s" % (message.get(1)[0], message.get(1)[1]))
I am able to access OpenStack VM by ssh from my VM using ssh -J proxy-server OpenStack VM. for instance ssh -J 4020343@hpdc.xxx.xx ubuntu@
My server is unable to retrieve the data from the client. Thanks, help is highly appreciated helping me in sorting out this issue.
If you have an openstack instance id, you can find the right sec. group with:
openstack server show 284c39d2-79af-485d-8f63-9ac3620cf119 | grep security_groups