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How to detect window resize in Python

How do you see if the window has been resized? I start in full screen, but if I change so it fits half of my screen, all my text gets mixed up.

Here is my code:

# Import os
import os

# Create function called title that prints the title screen
def title():
    print('@------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@'.center(os.get_terminal_size().columns), end='')
    print('|                                                                                    |'.center(os.get_terminal_size().columns), end='')
    print('|                                      |PyTerm v0.1.7|                               |'.center(os.get_terminal_size().columns), end='')
    print('|                                                                                    |'.center(os.get_terminal_size().columns), end='')
    print('@------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@'.center(os.get_terminal_size().columns), end='')

# Call the function

Once I run it, the text gets aligned, but when I go into fullscreen, they get all over the place. Is there a way to fix this? Can I somehow sense when the user resizes the window? I'm on Windows 10, using Python 3.1.9. Running it with py ( C:\Windows\py.exe )

This is what it looks like when I run it: Before picture

Here is it when I go into fullscreen: After picture



  • I don't have a Windows machine to test on, but one possibility would be to redraw the console in a loop:

    1. Clear the current screen (see: Clear terminal in Python)
    2. Run the title function
    3. Wait for a little while

    If the user resizes the screen, the resized value of the offset variable should be set to the new size.

    import os
    import time
    def title(offset_value):
        print('@------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@'.center(offset_value), end='')
        print('|                                                                                    |'.center(offset_value), end='')
        print('|                                      |PyTerm v0.1.7|                               |'.center(offset_value), end='')
        print('|                                                                                    |'.center(offset_value), end='')
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        while True:
            # Clear the terminal
            # See:
            os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')
            # Redraw the screen
            offset = os.get_terminal_size().columns
            # Wait for a bit