I'm using Django and Pytest specifically to run the test suite and am trying to test that a specific form shows up with expected data when a user hits the site (integration test).
This particular view uses a stored procedure, which I am mocking since the test would never have access to that.
My test code looks like this:
from my_app.tests.data_setup import setup_data, setup_sb7_data
from unittest.mock import patch
# Setup to use a non-headless browser so we can see whats happening for debugging
class SeniorPageTestCase(StaticLiveServerTestCase):
These tests surround the senior form
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.host = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
super(SeniorPageTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
def setUp(self):
# setup the dummy data - this works fine
# setup the 'results'
self.sb7_mock_data = setup_sb7_data(self)
def test_senior_form_displays(self, mock_sb7_get):
# login the dummy user we created
login_user(self, "futureuser")
# setup the results
mock_sb7_get.return_value = self.sb7_mock_data
# hit the page for the form
self.browser.get(self.live_server_url + "/my_app/senior")
form_id = "SeniorForm"
# assert that the form displays on the page
# utils.py
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import connections
def get_employee_sb7_data(db_name, user_number, window):
Executes the stored procedure for getting employee data
user_number: Takes the user_number
db (db connection): Takes a string of the DB to connect to
cursor = connections[db_name].cursor()
'exec sp_sb7 %s, "%s"' % (user_number, window.senior_close)
columns = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]
results = [dict(zip(columns, row)) for row in cursor.fetchall()]
return results
# views.py
from myapp.utils import (
###### Senior ######
def senior(request):
# Additional Logic / Getting Other Models here
# Execute stored procedure to get data for user
user_number = request.user.user_no
results = get_employee_sb7_data("production_db", user_number, window)
if not results:
return render(request, "users/senior_not_required.html")
# Additional view stuff
return render(
"data": data,
"form": form,
"results": results,
If I run this test itself with:
pytest my_app/tests/test_integrations.py::SeniorPageTestCase
The tests pass without issue. The browser shows up - the form shows up with the dummy data as we would expect and it all works.
However, if I run:
pytest my_app
All other tests run and pass - but all the tests in this class fail because it's not patching the function.
It tries to call the actual stored procedure (which fails because it's not on the production server yet) and it fails.
Why would it patch correctly when I call that TestCase specifically - but not patch correctly when I just run pytest
on the app or project level?
I'm at a loss and not sure how to debug this very well. Any help is appreciated
So what's happening is that your views are imported before you're patching.
Let's first see the working case:
If another test case runs first, that also imports the same views, then that import wins and patch cannot replace the import.
Your solution is to reference the same symbol. So in test_integrations.py