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Perform Denial of Service attack

I'm learning networking and internet security, and I'm trying a perform a Denial-of-Service attack on a VM(ip-address: who act as a gateway. Following some tutorials,I'm using hping3 to perform this with hping3 -S --flood -V -p 80 as command. Still I'm able to ping to the gateway from another host. I've tried to add another attacker,and open more terminals,still no success, the one thing I have obtained is an increment of the round-trip-time ( about 90ms).

Are the attackers too few to perform this?


  • DOS may be illegal (in many countries). I write this just for educational purpose

    Yes you will need more attacker instances. It is highly unlikely that the attacker has a single machine with a big enough Internet connection to generate enough traffic on its own. One way to generate that much traffic is through a botnet.

    You may refer to the following link as the 1st step: