My data :
{ total: 7421356 },
{ total: 79421356 },
{ total: 105457854 },
{ total: 1054578540 },
{ total: 10545785400 },
I would like to have something like :
{ val: 7000000, count 1 },
{ val: 70000000, count 1 },
{ val: 100000000, count: 1 },
{ val: 1000000000, count 1 }
Actually i use this pipeline :
$addFields: {
length: {
$multiply: [
$add: [
$strLenCP: {
$toString: "$val",
$project: {
value: {
$trunc: ["$val", "$length"],
_id: 0,
$group: {
_id: "$value",
count: {
$sum: 1
$project: {
value: "$_id",
count: 1,
_id: 0,
$sort: {
value: 1
I have a problem when i have data like "10545785400". It seems his length it too long and for my data "7421356" his result is now "0".
I thought the documents were going through the pipeline individually but it doesn't appear to be. My first data seems to use the length of my last.
I hope someone can help me even if my explanations are not very clear.
EDIT : It seems to be a "type" problem. Data with greater than are double not int32 EDIT 2 : It works with "24760000000" but not with "25661674539". I really don't understand why. They are stored in Double format.
(from here)The doubles are being converted to scientific notation, and that's taking into account to measure the string length, which is 9 in most or all of the fields. As you said the type of those numbers is double.
See a working example here, converting the string to number before cutting off the data:
$addFields: {
length: {
$multiply: [
$add: [
$strLenCP: {
$toString: {
$toLong: "$total"
$project: {
value: {
$trunc: [
_id: 0,
because the numbers are large. Large being larger than 10^10