In my application I'm storing reviews given by users into mysql
Now I have to find rating based on reviews.I am storing review like "food quality,Service,Atmosphere,Value", all have values between 1 to 5.
How can I find rating based on these values.
My table structure is
FoodQuality Service Atmosphere Value RestaurantId 1 3 2 4 1
Assuming that you want rating per restaurant id, and because you didn't specify what do you mean by rating
SELECT RestaurantId
, SUM(FoodQuality+Service+Atmosphere+Value) rating1 -- the sum of total rating
, AVG(FoodQuality+Service+Atmosphere+Value) rating2 -- the average of total rating, max 20
, AVG((FoodQuality+Service+Atmosphere+Value)/4) rating3 -- the average of average rating, max 5
FROM table
GROUP BY RestaurantId