I've been struggling with this way too long. How would you approach the following in JavaScript. The source data contains objects indicating a date and a certain length. This list needs to be converted to a range-thingy like object which indicates on which day a certain length starts and ends.
If there is day missing this should be another range. So if I would remove day 33 in the example it would end up in 1 extra range object (one from 31 til 32, another one from 34 til 35)
const data = [
{ day: 31, length: 10 },
{ day: 32, length: 10 },
{ day: 33, length: 10 },
{ day: 34, length: 10 },
{ day: 35, length: 10 },
{ day: 68, length: 15 },
{ day: 69, length: 15 },
{ day: 70, length: 15 },
{ day: 71, length: 15 },
{ day: 80, length: 10 },
{ day: 81, length: 10 },
{ day: 98, length: 12 },
{ day: 99, length: 12 },
{ day: 100, length: 30 },
const convertToWindows = (data) => {
return ...;
const windows = [
start: 31,
end: 35,
length: 10,
start: 68,
end: 71,
length: 15,
start: 80,
end: 81,
length: 10,
start: 98,
end: 99,
length: 12,
start: 100,
end: 100,
length: 30,
Try something like this:
const data = [
{ day: 31, length: 10 },
{ day: 32, length: 10 },
{ day: 33, length: 10 },
{ day: 34, length: 10 },
{ day: 35, length: 10 },
{ day: 68, length: 15 },
{ day: 69, length: 15 },
{ day: 70, length: 15 },
{ day: 71, length: 15 },
{ day: 80, length: 10 },
{ day: 81, length: 10 },
{ day: 98, length: 12 },
{ day: 99, length: 12 },
{ day: 100, length: 30 },
const convertToWindows = (data) => {
let result = [];
data.forEach(v => {
let rl = result.length;
if (rl === 0 || result[rl-1].end + 1 !== v.day || result[rl-1].length !== v.length) {
result.push({start: v.day, end: v.day, length: v.length});
} else result[rl-1].end += 1;
return result;