I'm new to react. I'd like to collect the value from an input in an array of objects. But on the input's onChange it adds all the letters to the array. I'd like to collect only the last entry. How may I do that ?
placeholder="Ecrivez votre question"
onChange={(event) => {
let tab = [...questionsTitle];
index: index,
type: questionType[index],
title: event.target.value,
As you can see on the screenshot, my array is very long. How can I get the value without going through all the letters ?
I thanks you in advance.
Update the value if it already exist otherwise push the new object. Below is the sample code
placeholder="Ecrivez votre question"
onChange={(event) => {
let tab = [...questionsTitle];
let tabIndex = tab.findIndex(x => x.index === index);
if (tabIndex !== -1) {
tab[tabIndex].type = questionType[index]
tab[tabIndex].title = event.target.value
} else {
index: index,
type: questionType[index],
title: event.target.value,