I have python script ( using selenium ) which is running by clicking in button in Odoo. This script run chrome with GUI by chromedriver. When it try to run i have error:
The process started from chrome location /usr/bin/google-chrome is no longer running, so ChromeDriver is assuming that Chrome has crashed
Everything is installed on my virtual machine with Ubuntu 18.04 on computer with Hyper-V (on windows) I know that this error is show because script don't have access to X server. So i add user to X with : xhost +SI:localuser:odoo_user
but still i have stat same problem :(
Problem solved by:
pip install PyVirtualDisplay
Download and install (you don't need that same version):
dpkg -i xserver-common_1.19.6-1ubuntu4.4_all.deb
apt install xfvb
You always need to have that same version of chromedrive and chrome browser in system.
After that chromedriver can run X session without GUI.