I'm using SQLite3,
I'm trying to delete a record from my database table without using id but using a name that is in a row.
Here is the CODE:
import sqlite3
def delete_data(product_name):
i_Delete = input(f"You Want To Delete {product_name} ?. (y/n) ")
if i_Delete == 'y':
# Connect to database
connect_to_database = sqlite3.connect('database.db')
# create a cursor
c = connect_to_database.cursor()
# delete record.
c.execute("DELETE from data WHERE produit = product_name")
# commit the command.
# close the DB
elif i_Delete == 'n':
print("Sorry Bad Input. \nPlease Verify Your Input")
Then i get this error instead of delete it.
You Want To Delete Cheeseburger ?. (y/n) y
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "deleteDB.py", line 29, in <module>
File "deleteDB.py", line 16, in delete_data
c.execute("DELETE from data WHERE produit = product_name")
sqlite3.OperationalError: no such column: product_name
As i can see the problem is here on product = product_name
# delete record.
c.execute("DELETE from data WHERE product = product_name")
So What can i do, Please Help !
In your code you use the name of the variable (instead of its value) to be looked for.
You need to provide a parameter to the execute
c.execute("DELETE from data WHERE produit = ?", [product_name])
Please note, that you are supposed to provide a list with parameters, therefore [product_name]
instead of product_name
Another option is to use a dictionary:
c.execute("DELETE from data WHERE produit = :product_name", {'product_name': product_name})