I want to create a custom signup Authentication Flow in aws amplify cognito service
What i Have
1.Enter Username
2.Enter Password
3.Verify user with Otp (Phone Number)/Confirmation Code (email)
What i want
1.Enter Username
2.Enter Otp/Confirmation Code
3.Enter Password
How to achieve this SignUp flow using aws amplify cognito service,Else what is the best service or approach
The scenario you want is possible to do with a custom auth flow but this has some caveats:
If you want to do this you can use the custom auth flow, it's pretty complex but here is an article that helped me out when I was doing it: https://dev.to/duarten/passwordless-authentication-with-cognito-13c
My advice would be to stick with the Hosted UI if possible, or don't use Cognito. The feature set of Cognito is a lot less than other auth providers (but it's cheaper).