I am working on generic binary search trees and I have troubles to understand how passing function as parameter/argument works in C. I want to tell to my generic BST that it must use the compare_doubles() when a comparison is needed.
How it possible to instantiate a function pointer somewhere in my code when I am creating my empty BST in createBST() ?
Given this BST.h :
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct tree_t BinarySearchTree;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Creates an empty BST.
* comparison_fn_t A comparison function
* BinarySearchTree bst = newBST(&compare_doubles);
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
BinarySearchTree* createBST(int comparison_fn_t(const void *, const void *));
bool insertInBST(BinarySearchTree* bst, const void* key, const void* value);
BST.c :
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "BinarySearchTree.h"
struct tree_t {
const void *key;
const void *value;
const void *leftChild;
const void *rightChild;
//const void *comparison_fn_t; //try to have it as an argument 1st try
//int (*compare) (const void *, const void *); //try to save it for later 2nd try
BinarySearchTree* newBST(int comparison_fn_t(const void*, const void*)) {
BinarySearchTree *binarySearchTree = malloc(sizeof(BinarySearchTree));
if (!binarySearchTree)
return NULL;
binarySearchTree->value = NULL;
binarySearchTree->key = NULL;
binarySearchTree->leftChild = NULL;
binarySearchTree->rightChild = NULL;
compare = &comparison_fn_t; //1st try
//binarySearchTree->comparison_fn_t = comparison_fn_t //2nd try
return binarySearchTree;
bool insertInBST(BinarySearchTree* bst, const void* key, const void* value) {
//other code
int val = (*compare) (key, bst->key); //1st try
int val = bst->comparison_fn_t... //2nd try
In my Main.c :
int compare_doubles(const void *a, const void *b) {
const double *a_ = (const double*) a;
const double *b_ = (const double*) b;
return (*a_ > *b_) - (*a_ < *b_);
BinarySearchTree *searchTree= createBST(&compare_doubles);
insertInBST(searchTree, key, value);
Just use the same function pointer definition in the struct:
struct tree_t {
const void *key;
const void *value;
const void *leftChild;
const void *rightChild;
int (*comparison_fn)(const void*, const void*);
BinarySearchTree* newBST(int (*comparison_fn)(const void*, const void*)) {
// assign the fn pointer here
binarySearchTree->comparison_fn = comparison_fn;
return binarySearchTree;
To make the syntax simpler, you can use a typedef:
typedef int (*BinaryComparison)(const void*, const void*);
struct tree_t {
const void *key;
const void *value;
const void *leftChild;
const void *rightChild;
BinaryComparison comparison_fn;
BinarySearchTree* newBST(BinaryComparison comparison_fn) {
BinarySearchTree* binarySearchTree = malloc(sizeof *binarySearchTree);
binarySearchTree->comparison_fn = comparison_fn;
return binarySearchTree;