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Writing and saving GenBank files with biobython SeqIO module

I wand to safe some DNA sequences in genbank file format to include information about genes, domains, etc. I know how to create SeqRecord objects and include all information I wand to have in the file:

#my DNA sequence and encoded protein sequence of gene1  
#position of gene1  
start = 12  
end = start + len(protein_seq)  
#some information  
name = 'my_contig'  
bioproject = 'BodySites'  
taxonomy = ['Homo Sapiens']  
reference_prot_ID = 'YP_92845z2093857'  
#dictionaries with information for SeqFeature qualifiers and SeqRecord annotations  
dict1 = {'gene':'ORF1', 'ref_ID': reference_prot_ID, 'translation':protein_seq}  
dict2 = {'SOURCE': sample_type, 'ORGANISM': 'Human', 'Taxonomy':taxonomy}  
#create SeqFeature and SeqRecord  
f1 = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(start, end, strand=1), type='domain', qualifiers=dict1)  
my_features = [f1]  
record = SeqRecord(Seq(genome_seq, alphabet=IUPAC.unambiguous_dna), id=name, name=name\  
                   description=bioproject, annotations=dict2, features = my_features)  
with open('/media/sf_Desktop/', 'w') as handle:  
        SeqIO.write(record, handle, 'genbank')

What I get printed on the screend for the SeqRecord object looks like this, where everything seems to be included:

ID: my_contig
Name: ma_contig
Description: BodySites
Number of features: 1
/Taxonomy=['Homo Sapiens']

But in the resulting file the information on SOURCE, ORGANISM and Taxonomy is missing:

LOCUS       my_contig                198 bp    DNA              UNK 01-JAN-1980
ACCESSION   my_contig
VERSION     my_contig
SOURCE      .
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     domain          13..37
        1 attttgtgca gccgagagcg cgagcgaagc gcttaaaaaa ttcccccgct ctgttctccg
       61 gcaggacaca aagtcatgcc gtggagaccg ccggtccata acgtgccagg tagagagaat
      121 caatggtttg cagcgttctt tcacggtcat gctgctttct gcgggtgtgg tgaccctgtt
      181 gggcatctta acggaagc

Can anyone help me how to include also the annotation information in the output file?
I found that for the GenBank.Record module it is possible to include all information and it looks very nice on the screen, but there is no information on how to save a Record object to a file...


  • OK, I found my mistake: all annotation titles need to be in lowercase letters. So changing 'SOURCE to 'source', 'ORGANISM' to 'organism' and so on, did the job.
