I am trying to plot a chloropleth map of the population of Nigeria. For this I downloaded the population data from the wopr
catalogue <- getCatalogue()
selection <- subset(catalogue,
country == 'NGA' &
category == 'Population' &
version == 'v1.2')
Then I unzipped the downloaded data and read in the .shp file - which also contains the mean population data of administrative level 3 divisions in Nigeria.
shape <- readOGR(here::here("wopr/NGA/population/v1.2/NGA_population_v1_2_admin/NGA_population_v1_2_admin_level3_boundaries.shp"))
class : SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
features : 774
extent : 2.6925, 14.67797, 4.271484, 13.88571 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
crs : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
variables : 18
names : lgacode, lganame, statecode, source, timestamp, globalid, amapcode, id, statename, region, mean, q025, q05, q25, q50, ...
min values : 10001, Aba North, AB, abraham.oluseye, 2015/08/08 11:30:41.000, 000fac93-f92b-4f2b-a003-03318fe407c1, NIE ABS ABA, 2845, Abia, 1, 252.3734, 115, 136, 195, 237, ...
max values : 9018, Zuru, ZA, WHO, 2018/08/07 08:35:09.000, ff682d23-27fa-4395-8b26-d2bc5803e7c2, NIE ZAS ZRM, 3664, Zamfara, 11, 2181858.3981, 1622184.45, 1662922.4, 1834489.5, 2096976, ...
lgacode lganame statecode source timestamp
0 27011 Kontagora NI EHA_ABRAHAM 2017/01/22 15:55:38.000
1 27015 Mariga NI EHA_ABRAHAM 2017/01/25 18:08:13.000
2 25004 Amuwo Odofin LA NGA_TEAMGIS 2018/08/07 08:35:09.000
3 25002 Ajeromi Ifelodun LA NGA_TEAMGIS 2018/08/07 08:35:09.000
4 25018 Surulere LA EHA-OLUSEYE 2016/05/10 14:03:50.000
5 31014 Ido OY EHA-ABRAHAM 2016/11/02 10:39:49.000
globalid amapcode id statename region mean
0 74b7e7e5-66fb-4a11-961f-f66b657df869 NIE NIS KNT 3618 Niger 2 235330.7
1 344d9dce-9643-4c16-a1f0-595d97dea13c NIE NIS BMG 3619 Niger 2 373467.9
2 2a5b0ca2-4065-45f2-9a2f-2545dc1fe9c3 NIE LAS FST 3635 Lagos 11 377541.3
3 b44f187e-1ebd-4ef3-9bc3-3e2be785e640 NIE LAS AGL 3636 Lagos 11 314222.6
4 95c41101-4143-4abf-8adb-f63b79b09555 NIE LAS LSR 3637 Lagos 11 118282.3
5 6777fa86-afd3-4532-bf38-d897dce835d3 NIE OYS DDA 3620 Oyo 7 531508.6
q025 q05 q25 q50 q75 q95 q975
0 153685.4 163240.50 196365.8 225030.0 260180.2 341048.0 378108.2
1 159215.6 182313.50 270608.8 338850.0 435652.8 668303.5 775215.3
2 284024.3 296227.30 333860.8 367006.5 408052.5 493519.2 529741.5
3 183500.2 198570.15 252164.5 300170.5 358764.5 475849.5 527268.7
4 69839.8 75569.75 95543.5 112952.5 134939.2 178012.4 196889.1
5 435055.2 448660.55 492885.5 525545.5 563986.0 631545.6 659961.0
I want to plot the boundary of Nigeria and fill the administrative level 3 divisions by population (shape@data$mean)
ggplot(data = shape) +
geom_polygon(aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group, fill = mean))
But I get the error "Error: Aesthetics must be valid data columns. Problematic aesthetic(s): fill = mean. Did you mistype the name of a data column or forget to add after_stat()?"
An option is to use the sf
package which is perfect for this kind of job.
Just add a step to convert the file you just read with rgdal
to sf
and then use the function geom_sf
to plot the desired boundaries.
# install.packages("sf")
shape %>%
sf::st_as_sf() %>%
ggplot(aes(fill = mean)) +