I've come across something which is perhaps a flaw in the Extension method .CopyToDataTable
This method is used by Importing (in VB.NET) System.Data.DataTableExtensions
and then calling the method against an IEnumerable. You would do this if you want to filter a Datatable using LINQ, and then restore the DataTable at the end.
Imports System.Data.DataRowExtensions
Imports System.Data.DataTableExtensions
Public Class SomeClass
Private Shared Function GetData() As DataTable
Dim Data As DataTable
Data = LegacyADO.NETDBCall
Data = Data.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(dr) dr.Field(Of Integer)("SomeField") = 5).CopyToDataTable()
Return Data
End Function
End Class
In the example above, the "WHERE" filtering might return no results. If this happens CopyToDataTable throws an exception because there are no DataRows.
The correct behavior should be to return a DataTable with Rows.Count = 0.
Can anyone think of a clean workaround to this, in such a way that whoever calls CopyToDataTable doesn't have to be aware of this issue?
System.Data.DataTableExtensions is a Static Class so I can't override the behavior. Any ideas? Have I missed something?
I have submitted this as an issue to Connect. I would still like some suggestions, but if you agree with me, you could vote up the issue at Connect via the link above
Until Microsoft fix this issue, here's a work around:
Create your own Extension method which uses the CopyToDataTable method if there are DataRows, if there aren't, then it returns an empty DataTable.
Imports System.Data
Namespace CustomExtensions
Public Module DataRowExtensionsOverride
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function CopyToDataTableOverride(Of T As DataRow)(ByVal Source As EnumerableRowCollection(Of T)) As DataTable
If Source.Count = 0 Then
Return New DataTable
Return DataTableExtensions.CopyToDataTable(Of DataRow)(Source)
End If
End Function
End Module
End Namespace
public static class DataRowExtensionsOverride
public static DataTable CopyToDataTableOverride<T>(this IEnumerable<T> Source) where T : DataRow {
if (Source.Count() == 0) {
return new DataTable();
} else {
return DataTableExtensions.CopyToDataTable<T>(Source);