Is Akka trying to communicate that Source.combine
shouldn't be used with a collection of sources? Or am I being dumb somehow with the function definition?
Akka Source.combine
requires a first and second source before vararags. The function definition given below:
def combine[T, U](first: Source[T, _], second: Source[T, _], rest: Source[T, _]*)(
strategy: Int => Graph[UniformFanInShape[T, U], NotUsed]
I'd like to just do something like:
val sources : Seq[Source[Int,_]] = ???
I don't know if my sources
will have 1,2, or many sources. So writing up the cases adds a few lines. Not a huge deal, but I feel like I'm missing something. Is this an anti-pattern for akka streams?
The point of the pattern first: Source[T, _], second: Source[T, _], rest: Source[T, _]*
is to assure that you pass at least 2 (might be more) sources to method.
If method signature allowed sources:_*
you could be passing empty vararg or with just single element.
In your case, if sources is Seq
, I would just do pattern matching on sources to split into first and second element and the rest:
sources match {
case first :: second :: rest => Source.combine(first, second, rest:_*)(Merge(_))
case _ => ??? // too few elements, maybe return Source.failed?