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Turn string representation of interval into actual interval in pandas

My problem is kind of simple, but I'm not sure there's a way to do what I'm looking for:

I had to store in a SQL database some data, that includes some intervals that will later be used. Because of this, I had to store it as a string, like this:

 variable     interval
    A          (-0.001, 2.0]
    A          (2.0, 6.0]

So, then, I want to use said intervals to cut another variable, like this:

df1 =  pd.DataFrame({'interval': {4: '(-0.001, 2.0]',
  5: '(2.0, 6.0]'},
 'variable': {4: 'A',
  5: 'A',
df2 =  pd.DataFrame({'A': [1,1,3]})
bins = df1[df1.variable.eq('A')].interval
new_series = pd.cut(df2['A'], bins=bins)

But this brings:

 ValueError: could not convert string to float: '(-0.001, 2.0]'


bins = bins.astype('interval')

But this brings:

TypeError: type <class 'str'> with value (-0.001, 2.0] is not an interval

Is there something I can do? Thanks


  • IIUC, you could parse the string by hand, then convert bins to IntervalIndex:

    import ast
    import pandas as pd
    def interval_type(s):
        """Parse interval string to Interval"""
        table = str.maketrans({'[': '(', ']': ')'})
        left_closed = s.startswith('[')
        right_closed = s.endswith(']')
        left, right = ast.literal_eval(s.translate(table))
        t = 'neither'
        if left_closed and right_closed:
            t = 'both'
        elif left_closed:
            t = 'left'
        elif right_closed:
            t = 'right'
        return pd.Interval(left, right, closed=t)
    df1 = pd.DataFrame({'interval': {4: '(-0.001, 2.0]', 5: '(2.0, 6.0]'},
                        'variable': {4: 'A', 5: 'A'}})
    df1['interval'] = df1['interval'].apply(interval_type)
    df2 = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 1, 3]})
    bins = df1[df1.variable.eq('A')].interval
    new_series = pd.cut(df2['A'], bins=pd.IntervalIndex(bins))


    0    (-0.001, 2.0]
    1    (-0.001, 2.0]
    2       (2.0, 6.0]
    Name: A, dtype: category
    Categories (2, interval[float64]): [(-0.001, 2.0] < (2.0, 6.0]]