I'm trying to plot election results on the US map with the usmap package but even though the dataset is complete, I get plot that shows missing values for some states. The states are greyed out and I'm not sure why this is happening..
scale_fill_continuous(low='red',high='blue',name='Percent for Biden')+
ggtitle(paste("Total Popular Vote of Final Results"))
You are incorrectly assuming that usmap
will infer any format for state names. For instance, both of these produce a working map,
usmap::plot_usmap(data=data.frame(state=c("alabama","new york"),s=c(5,15)), values="s")
usmap::plot_usmap(data=data.frame(state=c("AL","NY"),s=c(5,15)), values="s")
whereas inferring from your pic of data, you are trying
usmap::plot_usmap(data=data.frame(state=c("alabama","new-york"),s=c(5,15)), values="s")
# ^ dash, not space
So I believe you need to clean up your data and fix your state names.