I´ve deployed a service into Tomcat 6 and into Servicemix 4.3
I´ve used soapUI 4 to send a request to the servers, from tomcat i get an answer, from servicemix i don´t. Both requests are differente Tomcat port 8080, servicemix port 8181.
The service is SOAP web-service in a .war file.
Has anyone done this type of migration? Do i need libraries in servicemix from tomcat?
the issue is likely your packaging/installation of your war and/or missing OSGi bundles...
see this blog post for info on using Servicemix as a web server...
essentially something like this...
osgi:install -s war:file:/tmp/sample.war?Webapp-Context=sample
then you should be able to go to http://localhost:8080/sample
also, this guide should help explain the OSGi war commands a bit...