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Objective C class method error ''Use of undeclared identifier"

Hopefully not a ridiculous question as I'm a self taught programmer, but I found some code which looked like it might help me do something I wanted to. Basically I want to enhance the NSLog() function in one of my apps, and would like to call my method in the same way as NSLog(). It's very difficult to google 'void function()' because nothing seems to be relevant, I'm used to methods that are constructed like this:


But the sample suggested using:

void RLog(NSString *statement,...);

This seems to work, and lets me call it with 'RLog(@"My message")', however using it this way the method ignores the class variables, and seems I can't use 'self' either ...


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@import Foundation.NSString;

@interface Logging : NSObject

@property (nonatomic) BOOL enabled;

void RLog(NSString *statement,...);



#import "Logging.h"

@implementation Logging

@synthesize enabled;

void RLog(NSString *format,...) {

     /* something that uses 'enabled' throws 'Use of undeclared identifier enabled' */

     /* something else that uses '[[self class] session]' throws 'Use of undeclared identifier self' */



Hopefully I've included enough information to explain my issue, and not removed too much to make it hard to understand!

Thanks in advance.



  • After a bit more investigation I found a way around this using the information here.

    I added a class variable called thisClass and then assigned 'self' to it during my class init stage.

    @implementation Logging
    id  thisClass;
    - (id) init
        if (self = [super init])
            thisClass = self;
        return self;

    From inside the C function I can now call methods in my Logging class using:

    [thisClass log:@"Testing"];

    Without having to send "self" in as a parameter, I've moved the rest of the code which needs the local variables in to my 'log' method and simply use the C method to call it in a simplified way.
