I have trouble creating an Observable with the following conditions:
So far I have this Observable:
fetchData().flatMapIterable { dataList }
.filter { --some filtering--- }
This works ok, with one nitpick. If API returns 9 items and then 10 items, the Observable returns 10 items. The remaining 9 are discarded and I don't want that. Any way to make it work that way?
Have it collect into a list shared across multiple steps and perform a conditional repeat:
Single.defer {
var list = ArrayList<T>()
var count = AtomicInteger()
.flatMapIterable { dataList }
.filter { --some filtering--- }
.collectInto(list, { list, item -> list.add(item) })
.repeatUntil { list.size() >= 10 || count.getAndIncrement() > 4 }