I'm trying to execute ffmpeg commands using Symfony Process Component but command is not being processed. What am I doing wrong? I get the error
The command "'ffmpeg -i [...........]' failed. Exit Code: 127(Command not found)"
$info = pathinfo($file);
$dir = "{$info['dirname']}/{$info['filename']}";
File::makeDirectory($dir, 0755, true)
$process = new Process(["ffmpeg -i {$info['basename']} -codec copy -map 0 -f segment -segment_list {$dir}/playlist.m3u8 -segment_list_flags +live -segment_time 10 {$dir}/{$info['filename']}_%02d.ts"]);
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new ProcessFailedException($process);
echo $process->getOutput();
You have to put each argument in a separate element of the array, for example:
$process = new Process([
And I think you should either:
instead of $process->start()