Search code examples

Creating a Cron job for URL

I have a have a website that automatically pulls feeds and the operations works fine if I input a URL on my browser but I cannot open the URL on my browser every time. So I created a cron job on my cPanel for the link to be visited every 5 min, but it is not working. I have tried different codes, still noway.

Firstly this. */5 * * * * curl --request GET ''

This was the result of the first enter image description here

Secondly: * * * * * wget -O -

Thirdly: * * * * * wget -qO /dev/null

And still none of them is working, except i manually put on my browser.


  • Please use lynx text browser (if your server does not have lynx, install it).

    then use

     */5 * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -dump