I have a dataframe df like:
number | col1
123 | a
1234 | b
567 | c
I want to count how many rows have more or less than 3 digits in column "number". The column as dtype = int64.
When I try:
count = df.query(
... 'some other filters' or \
number.str.len() != 3
I get:
AttributeError: Can only use .str accessor with string values!
Trying to convert to str() with
count = df.query(
... 'some other filters' or \
str(number).str.len() != 3
ValueError: "str" is not a supported function
Converting to string would also count negative signs so that's not really a solution anyway.
Removing that check for len = 3 removes all error messages and prints the count.
How can I count the digits in a dataframe query without converting to str and without apply (way too slow for my amount of rows)?
In [25]: df = pd.DataFrame({'number':[123, 25, 1234, -165, -99, 567], 'col' : ['a','b','c', 'd', 'e', 'f']})
In [26]: df
number col
0 123 a
1 25 b
2 1234 c
3 -165 d
4 -99 e
5 567 f
In [27]: df.query("100 <= abs(number) <= 999")['number'].size
Out[27]: 3