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How to remove non-specific char of a string/dataframe[i] in Python

in my data cleaning process i found some strings with inhbit a single char that might bias my analysis

i.e. 'hello please help r me with this s question'.

Until now i only found tools to remove specific chars , like

char= 's'
def char_remover(text: 
    spec_char = ''.join (i for i in text if i not in s text)
    return spec_char

or the rsplit(), split() functions, which are good for deleting first /last char of a string.

In the end, I want to code a function that removes all single chars (whitespace char whitespace) from my string/dataframe.

My own thoughts on that question:

def spec_char_remover(text):
    spec_char_rem= ''.join(i for i in text if i not len(i) <= 1) 
    return spec_char_rem

But that obviously didn´t work.

Thanks in advance.


  • You could use regex:

    >>> import re
    >>> s = 'hello please help r me with this s question'
    >>> re.sub(' . ', ' ', s)
    'hello please help me with this question'

    "." in regex matches any character. So " . " matches any character surrounded by spaces. You could also use "\s.\s" to match any character surrounded by any whitespace.