I'm looking for an idiomatic (pipe-based) way to find the minimum/maximum of a given function in an interval. Let's say I have an arbitrary function, such as
I'm looking for its minimum value in [xmin:xmax]. Of course with the above example, this is trivial but obviously a real-life application would use a much more complex f, probably with parameters, etc, etc.
The "plain" R way would be, for instance (e.g. here)
xmin <- 0
xmax <- 10
df$x[which(df$y==(min(df$y,na.rm = TRUE)))]
optimize(f, interval=c(xmin,xmax), maximum=F)$min
For the sake of curiosity (and understanding plumbing), let's assume I want a "tidy" equivalent of the first solution, using pipes. I managed to construct
seq(xmin,xmax,length.out = 100) %>% f %>% which.min()
which gives me the index of the lowest value. Of course I can now do
idx <- seq(xmin,xmax,length.out = 100) %>% f %>% which.min()
seq(xmin,xmax,length.out = 100)[idx]
but surely there is a more idiomatic way to pipe the result of my construction and get the X-value without intermediate variables (xmin, xmax and idx) ?
(yes, I know that this gives me only an approximate value, to the nearest step in my sequence, and yes this is a somewhat construed example - I'm trying to improve my understanding of pipes)
This should do it
xmin <- 0
xmax <- 10
curve(f,xmin,xmax) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
filter(y == min(y)) %>%
curve(f,xmin,xmax) %>%