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Plotting the results of a Newton-Raphson solution for multiple cases

Consider the following problem:

enter image description here

I am now in the third part of this question. I wrote the vectorial loop equations (q=teta2, x=teta3 and y=teta4):

fval(1,1) = r2*cos(q)+r3*cos(x)-r4*cos(y)-r1;
fval(2,1) = r2*sin(q)+r3*sin(x)-r4*sin(y);

I have these 2 functions, and all variables except x and y are given. I found the roots with help of this video.

Now I need to plot graphs of q versus x and q versus y when q is at [0,2pi] with delta q of 2.5 degree. What should I do to plot the graphs?

Below is my attempt so far:

function [fval,jac] = lorenzSystem(X)

%Define variables
x = X(1);
y = X(2);
q = pi/2;

r2 = 15
r3 = 50
r4 = 45
r1 = 40

%Define f(x)

%Define Jacobian
 jac = [-r3*sin(X(1)), r4*sin(X(2));
     r3*cos(X(1)), -r4*cos(X(2))];

%% Multivariate NR

%Initial conditions:
X0 = [0.5;1];
maxIter = 50;
tolX = 1e-6;

X = X0;
Xold = X0;
for i = 1:maxIter
    [f,j] = lorenzSystem(X);
    X = X - inv(j)*f;

    err(:,i) = abs(X-Xold);
    Xold = X;
    if (err(:,i)<tolX)


  • Please take a look at my solution below, and study how it differs from your own.

    function [th2,th3,th4] = q65270276()
    [th2,th3,th4] = lorenzSystem();
    hF = figure(); hAx = axes(hF);
    plot(hAx, deg2rad(th2), deg2rad(th3), deg2rad(th2), deg2rad(th4)); 
    xlabel(hAx, '\theta_2')
    xticks(hAx, 0:pi/3:2*pi);
    xticklabels(hAx, {'$0$','$\frac{\pi}{3}$','$\frac{2\pi}{3}$','$\pi$','$\frac{4\pi}{3}$','$\frac{5\pi}{3}$','$2\pi$'});
    hAx.TickLabelInterpreter = 'latex';
    yticks(hAx, 0:pi/6:pi);
    yticklabels(hAx, {'$0$','$\frac{\pi}{6}$','$\frac{\pi}{3}$','$\frac{\pi}{2}$','$\frac{2\pi}{3}$','$\frac{5\pi}{6}$','$\pi$'});
    set(hAx, 'XLim', [0 2*pi], 'YLim', [0 pi], 'FontSize', 16);
    grid(hAx, 'on');
    legend(hAx, '\theta_3', '\theta_4')
    function [th2,th3,th4] = lorenzSystem()
    th2 = (0:2.5:360).';
    [th3,th4] = deal(zeros(size(th2)));
    % Define geometry:
    r1 = 40;
    r2 = 15;
    r3 = 50;
    r4 = 45;
    % Define the residual:
    res = @(q,X)[r2*cosd(q)+r3*cosd(X(1))-r4*cosd(X(2))-r1; ... Δx=0
                 r2*sind(q)+r3*sind(X(1))-r4*sind(X(2))];     % Δy=0
    % Define the Jacobian:
    J = @(X)[-r3*sind(X(1)),  r4*sind(X(2));
              r3*cosd(X(1)), -r4*cosd(X(2))];
    X0 = [acosd((45^2-25^2-50^2)/(-2*25*50)); 180-acosd((50^2-25^2-45^2)/(-2*25*45))]; % Accurate guess
    maxIter = 500;
    tolX = 1e-6;
    for idx = 1:numel(th2)
      X = X0;
      Xold = X0;
      err = zeros(maxIter, 1); % Preallocation
      for it = 1:maxIter
        % Update the guess
        f = res( th2(idx), Xold );
        X = Xold - J(Xold) \ f;
    %     X = X - pinv(J(X)) * res( q(idx), X ); % May help when J(X) is close to singular
        % Determine convergence
        err(it) = (X-Xold).' * (X-Xold);
        if err(it) < tolX
        % Update history
        Xold = X;    
      % Unpack and store θ₃, θ₄
      th3(idx) = X(1);
      th4(idx) = X(2);
      % Update X0 for faster convergence of the next case:
      X0 = X;

    Several notes:

    1. All computations are performed in degrees.

    2. The specific plotting code I used is less interesting, what matters is that I defined all θ₂ in advance, then looped over them to find θ₃ and θ₄ (without recursion, as was done in your own implementation).

    3. The initial guess (actually, analytical solution) for the very first case (θ₂=0) can be found by solving the problem manually (i.e. "on paper") using the law of cosines. The solver also works for other guesses, but you might need to increase maxIter. Also, for certain guesses (e.g. X(1)==X(2)), the Jacobian is ill-conditioned, in which case you can use pinv.

    4. If my computation is correct, this is the result:

    enter image description here