I am trying to use the material date and time picker and have managed to refer and put together the code below to display date and time picker on button click. Have also used the latest alpha version of Material design 1.3.0-alpha03. But while supportFragmentManager is working for the MaterialDatePicker - it is being marked as Unresolved for MaterialTimePicker. Cannot seem to understand why this is happening... can somebody please explain and guide for the solution to this issue? My code is below
editEventEndDate.setOnClickListener {
// Create the date picker builder and set the title
val builder = MaterialDatePicker.Builder.datePicker()
.also {
title = "Pick Date"
// create the date picker
val materialDatePicker = builder.build()
// set listener when date is selected
materialDatePicker.addOnPositiveButtonClickListener {
// Create calendar object and set the date to be that returned from selection
val calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"))
calendar.time = Date(it)
val endDate = Calendar.DATE
val endYear = Calendar.YEAR
val endDay = Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK
val endMonth = Calendar.MONTH
val endResult = "$endDay, $endDate $endMonth $endYear"
editEventStartDate.text = endResult
materialDatePicker.show(supportFragmentManager, "MyTAG")
//Add time on click
editEventStartTime.setOnClickListener {
val materialTimePicker = MaterialTimePicker.Builder()
.also {
title = "Pick Time"
materialTimePicker.show(**supportFragmentManager()**, "fragment_tag")
materialTimePicker.addOnPositiveButtonClickListener {
val newHour = materialTimePicker.hour
val newMinute = materialTimePicker.minute
[email protected](newHour, newMinute)
supportFragmentManager() is not a function and the error is correct .
use supportFragmentManager