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Contao 4.10: DCA metaFields with fileTree

I need the possibility to link images with audio files in the file management. I followed this tutorial and the field is created, but only as a simple input field.

Then i added a standard DCA setup

  $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_files']['fields']['meta']['eval']['metaFields']['audiolink'] = [
     'inputType' => 'fileTree',
     'eval' => ['filesOnly' => true, 'fieldType' => 'radio', 'mandatory' => false],
     'sql' => ['type' => 'string', 'length' => 255, 'default' => ''],

but this does not work.

With this i get the Page Tree Wizard

 $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_files']['fields']['meta']['eval']['metaFields']['audiolink'] = [
    'attributes' => 'maxlength="255"', 'dcaPicker' => true

Then i tried this

  $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_files']['fields']['meta']['eval']['metaFields']['audiolink'] = [
     'attributes' => 'maxlength="255"', 'fileTree' => true

but this does not work, too. So how to get the "fileTree" Wizard working at file management?


  • You can't, the meta wizard supports only text fields (and textarea fields since Contao 4.9.10).

    Instead of using tl_files.meta, you could add an additional field to tl_files:

    // contao/dca/tl_files.php
    use Contao\CoreBundle\DataContainer\PaletteManipulator;
    $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_files']['fields']['foobar'] = [
        'inputType' => 'fileTree',
        'eval' => ['filesOnly' => true, 'fieldType' => 'radio', 'mandatory' => false],
        'sql' => "binary(16) NULL"
        ->addField('foobar', null)
        ->applyToPalette('default', 'tl_files')

    However, this of course means that you can select this file only per file and not per language per file.