I'm working through the example at this URL, but I'm running into the error below. What is the source of that error?
ERROR: (gcloud.run.services.add-iam-policy-binding) NOT_FOUND: Requested entity was not found.
I'm running the script below, but obviously with a different parameter set. I verified in the GUI/Console that the service account was created, the $serviceAccount
variable has the correct value, the service exists, and the service name is correct. Also, I'm able to manually add the service account to the service in the invoker role in the GUI/Console.
$cloudRunInvokerServiceAccount = 'some-service-account',
$projectId = 'some-project-id',
$nameOfServiceBeingInvoked = 'some-service'
gcloud iam service-accounts create $cloudRunInvokerServiceAccount --display-name $cloudRunInvokerServiceAccount
$serviceAccount = "serviceAccount:$cloudRunInvokerServiceAccount@$projectId.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
gcloud run services add-iam-policy-binding $nameOfServiceBeingInvoked `
--member=$serviceAccount `
--role=roles/run.invoker `
I also reviewed the docs for good measure.
Also, I ran gcloud run services list
and gcloud iam service-accounts list
to verify the existence of the services/accounts and their status (enabled).
I have seen this error with old versions of the Google Cloud CLI gcloud
The solution is to update the Google Cloud SDK and components.
gcloud components update
sudo gcloud components update