I was trying MySQL secondary indexing referring to MySQL Documentation, and weird thing happened.
create table jemp(
g VARCHAR(20) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (c->"$.name"),
INDEX i (g)
('{"id": "1", "name": "Fred"}'), ('{"id": "2", "name": "Wilma"}'),
('{"id": "3", "name": "Barney"}'), ('{"id": "4", "name": "Betty"}');
, but it can get result.select c->"$.name" as name from jemp where g like "%F%"
, and index did work. However, I didn't get any results. Per my poor understanding of MySQL, this should work.select c->"$.name" as name from jemp where g like "F%"
I would be so much appreciate if anyone could help me with it.
For your query to work, you want a generated column that extracts the name as text rather than JSON. That is, use ->>
instead of ->
g VARCHAR(20) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (c ->> '$.name')
Then: the index may help for both following conditions:
where g like 'F%'
where g = 'F'
Whether MySQL decides to use it or not is another story; basically the databases assesses whether using the index will be faster than a full scan. If it believes that the condition will match on a large number of rows, it will probably choose to full scan.
Note that I consistently use single quotes for string literals; although MySQL tolerates otherwise, this is what the SQL standard specifies. In some other databases, double quotes stand for identifiers (this also is compliant with the standard).