I'm learning SQL on famous 'Northwind' database.
So here is schema: https://miro.medium.com/max/4800/1*vluK_68f8_WnlL66qmRrXQ.png
I want to return informations about customers for whom company "united package" has transported at least 7 parcels. So I want to count them.
When I'm trying this:
select c.CompanyName,
count(o.OrderID) as number_packages
from Customers as c
join Orders as o
on c.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
join Shippers as s
on o.ShipVia = s.ShipperID
where s.CompanyName like 'united package'
group by c.CompanyName;
It returns me a table with CompanyName correct and in number_packages in all rows 326... So I guess it is number of all of the packages transported by 'United Package'.
How to make it calculating correct?
Your first join
condition is incorrect:
from Customers c join
Orders o
on c.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
--------^ should be o