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Azure Data Factory : returns an array of dates from a specified range

I'm trying to returns an array of dates in data factory. But i just want the user to specify a date range with two parameters, startDate and endDate :

I want to return this array by specifying "12-08-2020" and "12-13-2020" in trigger :


Do did not find a simple way to do it yet. One way i thought about would be :

  • add a lookup activity on a date dimension,
  • then add two filters to select only items greater than startDate and lower than endDate.

But this seems to be cumbersome and overkill. Is there a simpler way to do it ?


This answer seems to be relevant (i did not see it at first) : Execute azure data factory foreach activity with start date and end date


  • I think we can use recursive query in Lookup activity.
    The pseudo code is as follows:
    In sql we can use this query to get a table:

    ;with temp as 
        select CONVERT(varchar(100),'12-08-2020', 110) as dt
    union all 
        select CONVERT(varchar(100), DATEADD(day,1,dt), 110) from temp
        where datediff(day,CONVERT(varchar(100), DATEADD(day,1,dt), 110),'12-13-2020')>=0
    ) select * from temp    

    The result is as follows:
    enter image description here

    So in ADF, I think we can use a Lookup sql query to return the result what you want.

    According to this official document, we only need to replace the parameters of the sql statement.

    Next,I will use '@{pipeline().parameters.startDate}' to return a date string, note: There is a pair of single quotes outside.

    1. I set two parameters as follows:
      enter image description here

    2. Type the following code into a Lookup activity.

    ;with temp as 
        select CONVERT(varchar(100),'@{pipeline().parameters.startDate}', 110) as dt
    union all 
        select CONVERT(varchar(100), DATEADD(day,1,dt), 110) from temp
        where datediff(day,CONVERT(varchar(100), DATEADD(day,1,dt), 110),'@{pipeline().parameters.endDate}')>=0
    ) select * from temp

    Don't select First row only. enter image description here

    1. The debug result is as follows: enter image description here