I am trying to get a sublist which contains the largest and then eventually second largest element from left to right in F#. For example if I have list1 = [2;5;3;4]
I should be able to get [5;4]
as a result. list1 = [2;1;3;4]
would be [4]
and so on. I can't really thing of a clever way to do this. I got following lines:
let rec top<'a when 'a: comparison> (xs: List<'a>): List<'a> =
match xs with
| [] -> invalidArg "xs" "Empty list"
| [x] -> x::xs
| x1::x2::xs' -> top((max x1 x2)::xs')
which gives me [5;5] instead of [5;4]
I would really appreciate your help. Thanks
You can do it using an auxiliary recursive function.
let top list =
let rec loop n = function
| [] -> [n]
| [x] -> if n < x then [x] else [n; x]
| x :: xs -> loop (max n x) xs
match list with
| [] -> invalidArg "list" "Empty list"
| x :: xs -> loop x xs
or using list.fold
let top (list: int list): int list =
List.fold (fun s x -> if s.Head < x then [x] else [s.Head; x])