How can this example of expath be adapted to grab and store a CSV file directly from a website?
xquery version "3.1";
import module namespace hc = "";
let $url := ""
let $request :=
<hc:request href="{$url}" method="GET">
<hc:header name="Connection" value="close"/>
Browsing to:
the specific CSV file is:
Of course, there are a multitude of ways to grab that file. But, how would it be done with xquery as above?
Obviously, changing the URL is the starting point, which, indeed, results in a large CSV file printed to the console.
As @MartinHonnen already pointed out, BaseX has a CSV module.
Here is how to use it.
csv file addressbook.csv
FName, LName, Address, City
John, Doe, 3851 SW 52nd St., Miami
Mary, Dowson, 770 SE 21nd St., Orlando
let $text := file:read-text("c:\Users\Yitzhak\Downloads\addressbook.csv")
return csv:parse($text, map { 'header': true() })
<LName> Doe</LName>
<Address> 3851 SW 52nd St.</Address>
<City> Miami</City>
<LName> Dowson</LName>
<Address> 770 SE 21nd St.</Address>
<City> Orlando</City>