I use inorder function to print data in binary search tree from smallest to largest element. how i can print only first three smallest element?
void inorder(struct node *root)
// Depth-first
// Inorder (LDR) --> <left> <data> <right>
if(root == NULL)
indorder(root -> left_child);
printf("%d ", root -> value);
inorder(root -> right_child);
I want to add new argument for first n element
void inorder(struct node *root, int n)
Make your function return the new value of n
, so that after a recursive call you can see whether n
is still positive and the current node's value should be printed. If not, then you can exit the recursion tree, as there is nothing more to do:
int inorder(node *root, int n) {
if (root == NULL || n <= 0) // Nothing to print here.
return n;
n = inorder(root -> left_child, n);
if (n <= 0) // All required prints have been done, so exit recursion tree
return 0;
printf("%d ", root -> value);
// Previous print counts as 1, so pass one less to next call:
return inorder(root -> right_child, n-1);