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How to insert data into marklogic database in already existing file using curl RESTAPI

I searched over the internet and found nothing about this making me rethink that "may be we can't insert data into already existing file in Marklogic".But, I want to verify here I know using curl PUT command we can update or create a new document I have created a json using following query

**curl -v -X PUT \
  --digest --user rest-writer:x \
  -d'{"recipe": {"name" :"Apple pie", "fromScratch":true, "ingredients":"The Universe"}}' \

After creating this, i wanted to add another recipe such as below in the same file /example/recipe.json

"name" :"Chocolate Cake", "fromScratch":yes, "ingredients":"Coca"

How can i achieve this using curl in Marklogic?


  • You can certainly insert other JSON objects in an existing JSON document. Being a multi-model database, data model should be the first consideration.

    In order to facilitate JSON object update, the JSON model should be:

      "recipe" : {
          "name" : "Apple pie", 
          "fromScratch" : true, 
          "ingredients" : "The Universe"

    Then construct an update JSON content (choose one of below options) called add-recipe.json:

    1. Add JSON object after recipe1
      "patch": [
       { "insert": {
           "context": "/recipe/recipe1",
             "position": "after",
                { "recipe2": {
                    "name" : "Chocolate Cake", 
                    "fromScratch" : true, 
                    "ingredients" : "Coca"
    ] }
    1. Add JSON object before recipe1:
      "patch": [
       { "insert": {
           "context": "/recipe/recipe1",
             "position": "before",
                { "recipe2": {
                    "name" : "Chocolate Cake", 
                    "fromScratch" : true, 
                    "ingredients" : "Coca"
    ] }
    1. Add JSON object following the last child (if you have nested JSON objects):
      "patch": [
       { "insert": {
           "context": "/recipe",
             "position": "last-child",
                { "recipe2": {
                    "name" : "Chocolate Cake", 
                    "fromScratch" : true, 
                    "ingredients" : "Coca"
    ] }

    Finally, perform a patch REST API request to complete the operation:

    curl --anyauth --user {username}:{password} -X PATCH -d @./add-recipe.json -i -H "Content-type: application/json" "http://{hostname}:{port-number}/v1/documents?uri=/example/recipe.json"