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Suppress GraphQL: Syntax Error in VS Code when using template string

FYI: There are a ton of other posts concerning GraphQL Syntax Error in VS Code. I read many of them, but did not find anything relevant to this. My apologies if I missed it in the similar questions.


I have a component that uses the useQuery hook. The query is retrieved from another query and comes in via a variable typed as string In order for the useQuery to correctly use the graphql query, it has first has to be made into a DocumentNode for which I use gql from graphql-tag npm package. The resulting code snippet looks like:

const PREPARED_QUERY = useMemo(() => gql`${query}`, [query])
const data = useQuery(PREPARED_QUERY, queryOptions)

This is working code, but the Apollo GraphQL extension throws a warning on this line:

Syntax Error: Unexpected <EOF>.GraphQL: Syntax

I understand this is because it is checking the query string to ensure that it is properly formatted and it does not understand the template string "hack".


  1. Can this be silences with some form of ignore comment?
  2. If not, Is there any way to form this to make this template string pass the syntax check?


  • Looks like a known issue with the vscode extension - without a known solution :) .


    Since gql is just a function, you can call it directly, so that the extension won't try to parse it and stop complaining.


    Explanation on why it works

    If we take a look at tagged templates docs, we'll see that it's a regular function that takes the array of static string pieces as the first argument, and interpolated expressions as the remaining arguments. So when we do

    gql`some content`

    it translates to the following function call:

    gql(["some content"]) // a single argument, because there is no interpolations here

    Also this gql function has special code inside that allows to pass a plain string as the first arg (probably to support old JS where no template tags existed)