i have a pandas data frame in which there's a column named label of categorical type having three categories as ('>5' , '<30' , 'NO'). I want to change ('>5' , '<30') these two categories to 'yes' and i can't seem to figure out how. I want to do this with python and also with dtale (python package).
I have managed to do it in python this way:
label_changed = {"label": {">5": "YES", "<30": "YES"}}
bp = bp.replace(label_changed)
Is there any other, more efficient, way to do this?
Also I still haven't managed to do this using dtale.
You can use replace()
and pass a list with the values to be replaced and then the parameter with replacement, it's a bit tidier when you want to replace multiple values with a unique one:
to_replace = [">5","<30"]
bp = bp.replace(to_replace,"Yes")