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Can a ggiraph interactive plot be the size of the window in R shiny?

I am creating an RShiny app that centres around a network drawn in ggiraph. The network is very large and detailed so ideally I'd like it to fill as much of the page as possible.

I've had a lot of problems getting ggiraph to scale properly, and also with margins/padding in RShiny. I've gotten this far with the code but it's still leaving huge amounts of whitespace


dt <- 
  structure(list(vName = c("Travel (people, not goods)", "Distribution of goods (logistics)", 
                           "Financial services", "Emergency services", "Employment provision", 
                           "Road conditions and safety", "Clothing provision", "Physical security", 
                           "Goods and services provision", "Observance of religion", "Tourism", 
                           "Social interaction", "Societal hazard regulation", "Law and order", 
                           "Foster social cohesion", "Governance", "Community activities and engagement", 
                           "Communication systems", "Housing provision", "Learning and education", 
                           "Technological hazard regulation", "Recreational activities", 
                           "Ceremonies and services for major life events", "Public health", 
                           "Biological hazard regulation", "Historical and cultural value contribution", 
                           "Animal welfare", "Planning activities", "Food provision", "Waste management", 
                           "Energy supply", "Sanitation provision", "Hydrometeorological hazard regulation", 
                           "Environmental and geohazard regulation", "Clean water", "Environmental conservation", 
                           "Clean air"), x = c(-2.98858409427524, -2.81640877118298, -2.74123849093864, 
                                               -2.65386726001767, -2.28398121105892, -2.14920295612388, -2.00485883548675, 
                                               -1.8515913089343, -1.69008255335043, -1.521051426422, -1.34525026708241, 
                                               -1.08643400771279, -0.897560522159429, -0.704692093555197, -0.508687158038456, 
                                               -0.310418111994458, -0.110767429115102, 0.0893762673942864, 0.28912215997901, 
                                               0.487581201665836, 0.683870073113174, 0.87711511416821, 1.06645621243203, 
                                               1.25105063152523, 1.4300767620147, 1.74479084369789, 1.90363064894277, 
                                               2.05399760378407, 2.19522244146318, 2.32667658577832, 2.44777494880796, 
                                               2.55797853507279, 2.65679684054522, 2.75437446946491, 2.92721942501146, 
                                               2.96449908915101, 2.98858409427524), y = c(-0.261467228242974, 
                                                                                          -1.03336423085163, -1.21885665104493, -1.39892407449664, -1.94510406598975, 
                                                                                          -2.09306632799546, -2.23171258224949, -2.36042572954096, -2.47863288182427, 
                                                                                          -2.58580791208079, -2.68147379605222, -2.79636570335232, -2.86258364228207, 
                                                                                          -2.91606053662828, -2.95655836662271, -2.98389688088342, -2.99795439869375, 
                                                                                          -2.99866835158986, -2.98603556184602, -2.96011225661834, -2.92101381768388, 
                                                                                          -2.86891426788911, -2.80404549659329, -2.72669622755457, -2.63721073385225, 
                                                                                          -2.44043129625646, -2.31866132766425, -2.18657125281782, -2.04474899009546, 
                                                                                          -1.89382577477205, -1.73447334946035, -1.56740097425861, -1.393352269912, 
                                                                                          -1.18887395545529, -0.65680015060565, -0.460157745151427, -0.261467228242978
                                               )), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -37L))

ui <- 
    tags$body(tags$div(id="ppitest", style="width:1in;visible:hidden;padding:0px")),
    tags$script('$(document).on("shiny:connected", function(e) {
                                    var w = window.innerWidth;
                                    var h = window.innerHeight;
                                    var d =  document.getElementById("ppitest").offsetWidth;
                                    var obj = {width: w, height: h, dpi: d};
                                    Shiny.onInputChange("pltChange", obj);
                                $(window).resize(function(e) {
                                    var w = $(this).width();
                                    var h = $(this).height();
                                    var d =  document.getElementById("ppitest").offsetWidth;
                                    var obj = {width: w, height: h, dpi: d};
                                    Shiny.onInputChange("pltChange", obj);

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$plot <- renderGirafe({
    myPlot <- 
      dt %>%
      ggplot() + 
      geom_point_interactive(aes(x = x, y = y, tooltip = vName)) +
      coord_equal() +
    return(girafe(code = print(myPlot), 
                  width_svg = (1.0*input$pltChange$width/input$pltChange$dpi),
                  height_svg = (1.0*input$pltChange$height/input$pltChange$dpi)))

shinyApp(ui, server)

enter image description here


  • It seems to me you want to stop the rescaling. See

    server <- function(input, output, session) {
      output$plot <- renderGirafe({
        myPlot <-
          dt %>%
          ggplot() +
          geom_point_interactive(aes(x = x, y = y, tooltip = vName)) +
          coord_equal() +
          code = print(myPlot),
          options = list(opts_sizing(rescale = FALSE)),
          width_svg = (1.0 * input$pltChange$width / input$pltChange$dpi),
          height_svg = (1.0 * input$pltChange$height / input$pltChange$dpi)