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flutter dio or http doesn't work on some emulators in android studio

I cloned my code on different PCs. It works on some of them and doesn't work on the others. I have a login screen with a mobile number. when I send a request nothing happens and it doesn't give any responses. but that exact same code works fine on other pc and send verification code. I don't know what is the difference that makes it not work on my pc.

Future<Response> init(String mobile) async {
  Response response;
  try {
    response = await Dio()
        .post(URLs.BASE_URL + URLs.INIT, data: InitModel(mobile: mobile));
  } on DioError catch (e) {}
  return response;

and here I call it:

 void onPressed() {
    var text = tEC?.text?.trim();
    init("0$text").then((response) {
      setState(() {
            builder: (context) => ConfirmCode(
              mobileNum: tEC.text,


  • It was because of the emulator's proxy setting. I change it from "android studio proxy setting" to "no proxy".