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Using a Windows DLL in Go with cgo

I'm trying to use the hunspell library in a Go project on Windows.

I have the compiled Windows DLL (x64) and the corresponding header file (which is written in C), but I can't link it to the Go program.

What I've tried so far:

package main

//#cgo CFLAGS: -Id:/Go/HunSpellTest/build/
//#cgo LDFLAGS: -Ld:/Go/HunSpellTest/build/llibhunspell-1.7-0.dll  -llibhunspell-1.7-0

// #include <stdlib.h>
// #include <hunspell.h>
import "C"

import (

func main() {

But with any combination of the paths and filenames (with extension, without extension, without version number, with relative and absolute path, using slashes or backslashes) I got the same error:

undefined reference to __imp_Hunspell_create

I've tried to add that path to the global PATH variable or put the DLLs into a system wide folder, but nothing worked.

Please note that I can link the DLL with the syscall package and call the Hunspell_create method, but I would like to use the lib like in the hunspellgo package.


  • C.Hunspell_create() missing const char* affpath and const char* dpath parameters.

    Maybe you also missing some mingw-w64/msys2/cygwin deps packages on Windows. hunspellgo seem not tested on Windows. You needs a linux-like building system (such as mingw-w64/msys2/cygwin) to compile hunspell on Windows. See at . Golang with cgo support on Windows also need some gcc/g++ deps.