Sorry for one more scraping question.
I need data from this table: It contains non financial reports of Russian companies. It is legal to scrape it. I need to do some text mining for research purpose.
Ideally I need the following output: company - year - report URL.
I'm trying to scrape it, but I can't correspond URLs to company and year data. Here's my script:
url = ""
page = read_html(url)
# table
tab = page %>%
html_node("table") %>%
html_table(fill = T)
# links
links = page %>%
html_node("table") %>%
html_nodes("a") %>%
Could you please help?
The table is irregular. An ugly way is to reconstruct the table by using the colspan
and rowspan
attribute values, within columns and rows respectively, to expand the table into a regular dataframe.
You can then add the appropriate headers and to account for the merged cells, I simply repeat the same url across the applicable years. I do grab the text description for the years covered by a given report e.g. 2007-2009 (seen within cells with links), but do not output this as have used years in the header rows.
url <- ''
page <- read_html(url)
headers <- page %>% html_nodes('.company-report-table .register-table__row:nth-child(1) th')%>%html_text()
companies <- page %>% html_nodes('.company-report-table .register-table__row td:nth-child(1) span')%>%html_text()
body_rows <- page %>% html_nodes('.register-table__row ~ .register-table__row')
df <- data.frame(matrix(NA_character_, nrow = length(body_rows), ncol = length(headers)))
n <- 0
for(row in seq_along(body_rows)){
curr_row <- body_rows[[row]]
rspan <- curr_row %>% html_node('td') %>% html_attr('rowspan') %>% as.integer() #rspan tells us how many rows per company
n <- n + 1
title <- companies[[n]]
df[row,1] = title
# handle other columns excluding first
columns_minus_first <- curr_row %>% html_nodes('td:not(:nth-child(1))') # not always 21 range 10 > 21 but we use colspan to expand to 21
c <- 1
for(column in seq_along(columns_minus_first)){
curr_col <- columns_minus_first[[column]]
cspan <- curr_col %>% html_attr('colspan') %>% as.integer() #use cspan value to determine how many years report covers
link <- paste0('', curr_col %>% html_node('a') %>% html_attr('href'))
year <- str_extract(curr_col %>% html_text() ,'\\b[0-9-]{4,9}\\b') #purists may want a tighter regex for year spans
for(i in seq_along(cspan)){ #we will start writing out from col 2 as first col is the company name
df[row,i+c] <- link #repeats for each year covered by report (could alter this for only first)
c <- c + 1
colnames(df) <- headers
df <- tibble(df)