I might be missing something completely obvious here as I am completely new to Treeview, but when I insert my values ("Hello there" in this case), only the "Hello" outputs - it is always only the first word that appears...
As you can probably see, I am trying to make a pros and cons table with fixed values but I think you have to have a "#0" column, so I have ended up making this my "Pros" column - is this the best way to do things?
symmetric_tree.column("#0", width=270, minwidth=270)
symmetric_tree.column("one", width=150, minwidth=150)
symmetric_tree.heading("one", text="Cons",anchor=E)
symmetric_tree.insert(parent="", index="end", iid="#0", text="Easy to implement",
values=("Hello there"))
The treeview method requires you pass a list or tuple of values. You're passing a single value. Since it's not a list, the internal tcl interpreter converts the value to a list by splitting on spaces.
The solution is to pass a list or tuple to insert
. Note that ("Hello there")
is a single value, ("Hello there",)
is a tuple with a single value.
symmetric_tree.insert(..., values=("Hello there",))